Atlas Seed

Atlas Seed
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Atlas Seed
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Atlas Seed breeds and produces performance agricultural cannabis seed for the global commercial market. Atlas Seed specialises in feminized f1 hybrid cannabis seed, including day-neutral (autoflower), semi-full term, and full term varieties. Since our inception, we've aimed to select for vigor, mold resistance, plant structure, terpenes, & potency; developing inbred parental lines that could be judicially outcrossed into f1 hybrids. Cannabis Bred for Agriculture.
Atlas Seed was founded by seasoned wine grape, vegetable, and cannabis farmers in Sonoma County, California that were searching for genetics that didn’t yet exist: uniform, stable, & vigorous hybrids that would fit into their existing, time tested agricultural model. We were some of the first operators to bring cannabis out of the preexisting cultivation methods developed under prohibition and into conventional agricultural production systems.
We have consistently innovated cannabis agriculture; testing all manner of production systems in the field and inventing novel equipment, terminology, labor processes, and practices. Our expertise affords us the knowledge of what genetic qualities lead to high performance and post-harvest efficiencies, allowing us to make novel breeding selections that set our genetics apart in the industry.