Apple Fritter Autoflower

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Apple Fritter Autoflower from Seed Supreme now at SeedSupreme. Buy this Hybrid strain with Very High (over 20%) THC levels and Low (0-1%) CBD. Grows from cannabis seed to bud in 8-10 Weeks from Seed.

Apple Fritter autoflower seeds are perfect for new growers and seasoned cultivators. Expect potent hybrid buds with pine, spicy, and earthy flavors. Discover more about this alluring cannabis strain below.


What are Apple Fritter autoflower cannabis seeds and their origins?


Apple Fritter autoflower seeds come from crossing Animal Cookies and Sour Apple. Adding a ruderalis cultivar gives the strain its auto traits. The indica-dominant hybrid’s THC level averages 20–24%. 


The cultivar’s dominant terpenes are caryophyllene and limonene. The former gives the sweet and fruity buds a spicy fragrance and flavor. Limonene is responsible for their citrusy aroma and tang.


Apple Fritter autoflower cannabis seeds don’t grow into tall plants. Their average height is 2.5–4 feet. Expect to harvest 12–14 oz./m2 of buds from your indoor area and 14–16 oz. from each outdoor plant after 8–10 weeks.


Germination of Apple Fritter autoflower seeds


Proper germination is critical to developing healthy plants that produce high yields. Many growers favor the paper towel method as it’s straightforward. 


Arrange your Apple Fritter auto seeds about an inch apart on a damp paper towel. Cover them with another moist sheet. Place them between two plates and keep them in a warm and dark space.


Inspect daily to ensure the towels remain moist. Spray them if necessary. Taproots typically appear between 1–5 days. Exercise utmost care when handling the seedlings, as the roots are delicate.


We guarantee our weed seed quality and will replace any seed that doesn’t germinate. Follow the paper towel method and document your attempt to qualify.


Growing Apple Fritter autoflower seeds


Apple Fritter autoflower marijuana seeds prefer warm climates. The beginner-friendly cultivar suits indoor, outdoor, and greenhouse cultivation. 


The strain is susceptible to pest infestations, mildew, and cold weather. Growing indoors protects your plants from these risks. Maintain the temperature at 70–80°F. Keep the relative humidity at 50–60% when vegging and 40–50% during flowering.


Apple Fritter auto seeds grow into plants up to four feet tall, making them easy to manage. They’re ideal for discreet cultivation. Regular pruning improves airflow and light exposure, preventing moisture build-up. Use training techniques like the Sea of Green (SOG) to produce higher yields.


Set your grow lights on an 18/6 schedule. There’s no need to adjust the timing, as autoflowers don’t rely on light cycles to flower. Don’t place the plants too close to the lamps to avoid heat damage. 


Many grow Apple Fritter autoflower seeds in soil as it’s a natural environment. Ensure the substrate has the correct texture, pH level, drainage, and holds on to water. Loamy soil is ideal as it meets the criteria.


Organic matter is best as it boosts terpene levels, enhancing bud aroma and flavor. The substrate is also pesticide-free.


Hydroponic systems and coco coir are excellent alternatives to soil. These mediums enhance growth and increase yields. Nourish plants with organic and nutrient-rich fertilizers.


The medium you choose to grow depends on your budget. Soil is affordable. Hydroponic systems cost more but offer faster growth and higher yields. Two popular setups are ebb and flow and deep water culture (DWC).


Ensure crops get optimal NPK (nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus) proportion at every growth stage. Plants need more nitrogen during veg and more phosphorus when flowering. Feed crops with moderate amounts to avoid harming them.


Dry and cure buds after harvest to enhance their fragrance, flavor, and potency. The two-week process lowers the incidence of moldy weed, a potential health risk. The treated nugs offer smokers a smoother experience.


Apple Fritter autoflower effects


Apple Fritter autoflower seeds produce buds with various terpenes. These compounds contribute to the strain’s high THC content. Experience an intense cerebral buzz when you take the first puff. The uplifting effects may help people with stress, anxiety, and depression.


The euphoria leads to increased focus and clarity. It’s the perfect moment to engage in creative activities. Some smokers claim the buds make them giggle, making it an enjoyable session with friends.


Soon, a calm and relaxing sensation takes over, releasing tension throughout your body. The effect won’t glue you to the couch if you consume in moderation. Many smokers use the strain as a wake-and-bake option.


People who consume the buds for medical reasons claim relief from chronic pain. Those with arthritis and migraines may also benefit from the effects.


Dry eyes and cottonmouth are normal when smoking marijuana. You won’t experience severe side effects unless you overindulge. Drink plenty of water to minimize the dryness, and apply drops to the eyes to relieve them. 


Those with eating disorders and appetite may benefit from the resulting food craving. Have snacks ready to prepare for the munchies.


Apple Fritter autoflower taste and smell


Apple Fritter auto seeds develop buds that emit an aroma of fresh green apples with musky notes. Caryophyllene adds a spicy scent, while limonene contributes to their citrusy fragrance.


Enjoy buds that taste as fruity and citrusy as they smell. Expect a delicious smoking experience. The nugs are excellent for people who love pastry-like weed.


Strains similar to Apple Fritter autoflower seeds


Here are three strains that are similar to Apple Fritter autoflower seeds: 


    White Widow autoflower boasts up to 25% THC. The fruity nugs boost energy levels and uplift, potentially easing stress and anxiety. The cerebral buzz fills your mind with clarity and creativity. Soon, your body relaxes, but it doesn’t cause couch lock. 


    Sour Diesel autoflower develops buds that smell like fuel but taste sweet and sour. The strain’s 23% THC level offers hours of energy, creativity, and focus. Unlike other indica cultivars, you won’t experience couch lock.


    Gorilla Glue #4 autoflower is a potent award-winning strain with about 22–25% THC. Experience mental clarity and peace before your body relaxes. Growers describe the bud aroma as a blend of kerosene and earth notes.


Where is the best place to buy Apple Fritter autoflower seeds in the USA?


Seed Supreme offers some of the finest marijuana seeds in the USA. We have a collection of feminized, autoflower, and hybrid cultivars, including landrace strains.

Our customers save money with Apple Fritter autoflower seeds for sale. Buy Apple Fritter autoflower seeds from our wholesale page to enjoy bulk deals.

Strain Profile

SeedbankSeed Supreme
GeneticsSour Apple x Animal Cookies x Ruderalis
Flowering TypeAutoflowering
THC ContentVery High (over 20%)
CBD ContentLow (0-1%)
EffectsEnergetic, Hungry, Uplifted
FlavorsDough, Gas
TerpenesCaryophyllene, Limonene, Pinene
Flowering Time8-10 Weeks from Seed
Plant HeightMedium

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