Did you know that a manganese deficiency in cannabis could harm your plants? Although this problem is uncommon in weed crops, it can potentially stunt their growth and reduce yields if left untreated.

Learn about the importance of magnesium and identify signs that your crops lack it. Early detection is vital as eradicating the affliction can be relatively challenging. Discover how to treat it with prompt action to help your marijuana plants recover and produce an abundant harvest.


yellow cannabis leaves due to manganese deficiency


Why is manganese important?

Did you know that manganese (Mn) is vital for marijuana plants to thrive? Although crops use a small amount of this trace mineral, it plays an essential role in every stage of their development.

Detecting and treating a manganese deficiency weed plants face is critical, as it influences their ability to make food through photosynthesis.

This micronutrient creates chlorophyll, which captures the sun’s rays and converts them into energy for growing crops. Manganese also metabolizes nitrogen, one of the main components of chlorophyll and amino acids, the protein building blocks.

Like all cannabis deficiencies, when Mn is lacking in plants, it hinders food production and stunts growth, leading to lower yields. As a result, crops are more susceptible to pests and pathogens.


the importance of manganese for cannabis


Understanding the signs of manganese deficiency in weed

Diagnosing manganese deficiency in weed plants is tricky as it rarely occurs, and the signs are similar to other diseases.

Be careful not to confuse the lack of Mn with a cannabis magnesium deficiency. When plants experience a shortage of manganese, the leaves turn yellow between the veins and progress toward the tips.


manganese and magnesium deficiencies: comparison of yellow leaves


As the micronutrient is immobile, plant symptoms usually develop on young and growing foliage. Brown spots also begin to appear. Early treatment is vital, as the leaves may wither and fall off if the condition worsens.


brown spots on cannabis leaves: manganese deficiency


It’s easy to confuse a manganese deficiency in cannabis plants with a lack of iron, as the latter also displays interveinal chlorosis. The difference is that the areas between the veins darken with Mn and turn white if it’s an iron (Fe) issue.

To avoid wasting time misdiagnosing the problem and allowing it to stunt your crops’ growth, get a sample to test.


the stages of cannabis manganese deficiency


The reasons for manganese deficiency

A cannabis manganese deficiency usually occurs because the pH of your growing medium is high. When using soil or hydroponics, keep it between 5.5 to 6.0. A level above 6.5 can prevent your plants from absorbing trace mineral.

Your crops may also lack manganese if there’s a build-up of iron. Fe can lock out the former, making it unavailable. Note this key factor when adding Mn through supplements.


How to treat manganese deficiency in weed

As there are two primary causes of a manganese deficiency in cannabis plants, fixing the problem is easier if you:

  • Ensure optimal soil pH levels
  • Prune your cannabis plants
  • Use foliar feeding
  • Apply nutrient boosters

It takes time to see results. The correction process may take six days to several weeks, depending on the weather and severity of the deficiency.

As your plants recover, you’ll notice fewer leaves yellowing and a reduction in brown spots spreading to other parts. The tissue along the veins of some foliage may turn green, then merge and expand into healthy vegetation. Expect to lose those that are badly damaged.


yellow leaves with brown spots can be a sign of cannabis manganese deficiency


Monitor and adjust pH levels

The pH level of your grow medium can cause a manganese deficiency in your weed plants. Besides following a cannabis feeding schedule, checking your soil helps detect conditions that may lead to a lack of Mn.

Some lab tests can assess the nutrient concentration in your cannabis crops.

Use the following guide to find the best pH for manganese absorption at the roots:

  • Soil: 6.0–7.0 pH; lower it to 6.0–6.5 if you suspect your plant isn’t getting enough Mn.
  • Hydro: 5.5–6.0 pH; crops absorb manganese when the reading is below 6.0.

The manganese deficiency marijuana growers notice usually occurs when the growing medium pH exceeds 6.5. At that acidity level, cannabis plants can’t absorb trace mineral.

To remedy the situation, flush your soil with 6.0 pH water to remove excess nutrients and iron, which locks manganese out.

Then, add a 6.0 pH nute solution that contains Mn to restore the level and help your plants recover. Monitor your watering and feeding to prevent the problem from recurring.

Using high-quality fertilizers for cannabis crops and cultivation mediums offers the best protection against many ailments. Some nutrient lines can self-adjust to the optimal substrate pH level, making them convenient. There’s no need to use devices to check the condition.


Prune your cannabis plant

To solve a cannabis manganese deficiency issue, prune and dispose of leaves with symptoms to prevent pathogens and disease. It’s a form of defoliation. 

Don’t remove all the foliage at once. We suggest doing it in stages to avoid placing your plants under extreme stress.

Use a sharp pruner or knife to avoid damaging the cannabis leaf when cutting it. Ensure that you sterilize the tools and your workspace to prevent contamination. Clean the area afterward.


Use foliar feeding

A foliar feed solution with this trace mineral helps to alleviate the manganese deficiency marijuana plants might experience. Most garden stores carry Mn sulfate, which is excellent for this purpose.

Avoid applying chemical fertilizers at full strength as they may cause nutrient burn. Dilute them to about 50% and increase the dosage when necessary. Water your plants and the growing area thoroughly to improve the absorption rate.

Spraying your crops corrects the issue faster than watering, as the leaves absorb more nutrients from the supplements. This method also delivers more carbohydrates into the root structure and prevents nute burn.


Consider nutrient boosters

Manganese deficiency in cannabis plants can be due to:

  • Lack of fertilizer
  • General-purpose solutions with lower micronutrient content
  • Excessive leaching
  • Applying iron chelate drenches

Most commercial soil contains essential nutrients, including manganese and microorganisms your plant needs. Be aware that these “starter” packs don’t last. The nourishment they provide your crops is usually sufficient for about a week.

Using the best cannabis nutrients is an excellent way to give your plants energy and speed up the growth process. These products contain substances that enhance crop development and yields.

To ensure your herbs get manganese and other essential nutrients, feed them water soluble, peat-lite fertilizers with the correct mix.

Manganese competes with iron and nutrients such as zinc, magnesium, copper, and calcium for absorption. 

Feeding your crops with the correct Mn to Fe ratio is vital to prevent manganese deficiency in weed plants. The best soil mixes provide an optimal balance between 1:2 and 1:4. A lower ratio can lead to a deficit of the former micronutrient.

Choosing the right fertilizer can solve your marijuana plant problem and prevent it from recurring by promoting healthy growth.


Some tips to avoid manganese deficiency

While a lack of manganese doesn’t occur often, it’s challenging to fix the issues once it appears. Prevention is the key, and the following tips can help you protect your cannabis plants:

  • Monitor and keep the soil pH level at 6.5. Crops can’t absorb Mn when it’s too acidic. 
  • Use fertilizers with the optimum nutrient balance. Apply a lower dosage initially to avoid nute burn.
  • Use high-quality cannabis seeds to minimize potential problems. They develop into robust plants resistant to pests and diseases, giving you healthy marijuana flowers.


No manganese deficiency equals abundant yields

A deficiency of manganese in cannabis plants may pose a risk to vegetation and harvests, so it’s a crucial problem to solve.

Knowledge is key to preventing the issue from affecting your crops and reducing your harvest. Be aware of the symptoms to detect them early. Prompt treatment saves your plants from prolonged stress, giving them time to rejuvenate and produce bountiful yields.

Visit our website for more growing information, expert tips, and a selection of premium weed seeds.

Posted in: All Cannabis NewsTroubleshootingHow to Grow Marijuana