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CBD Haze Feminized

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Capable of delivering a milder dose of the famed original’s intensely uplifting and energizing kick without ever letting things get too head-heavy or overwhelming, this CBD-heavy hybrid is a perfect specimen for...

A Serene and Soothing Sativa For MMJ


Bud Basics

Since Haze first sprang up back in the swinging sixties in Santa Cruz, California, the cerebral Sativa strain has been a legend among creative types as a high-energy stimulant with a potent and foggy hit.


With CBD Haze Feminized, those perennially popular genetics have crossed paths with an unspecified high CBD strain to create a variant boasting the therapeutically coveted 1:1 THC to CBD ratio.


Capable of delivering a milder dose of the famed original’s intensely uplifting and energizing kick without ever letting things get too head-heavy or overwhelming, this CBD-heavy hybrid is a perfect specimen for those with lower THC tolerance - though given that the original Haze has never been a particularly high THC strain to begin with, even recreational tokers can indulgently enjoy a batch of CBD Haze.


The 10% Cannabidiol (CBD) content and equal THC levels of these buds help bring a wealth of therapeutic benefits to this hybrid, making them a perfect fit for the medical marijuana (MMJ) community as a whole.


Growers should keep in mind, however - cultivating CBD Haze Feminized is not the easiest of jobs. You’re in for quite a long cultivation with plants that embody everything Sativa - namely large and lanky plants that will each need ample attention and TLC.


It’s all worth it for a batch of these therapeutically-charged citrus-fresh bud beauties and the exquisitely contented high they deliver.


If you’re hunting for a true cannabis icon with the CBD cranked up (and you don’t mind a little challenge to your cultivation), then this hybrid is for you - otherwise, check out some other high CBD strains if you need an easy-going ride to a bountiful harvest of quality MMJ.



Flavor and Fragrance of CBD Haze Feminized

Spicy, earthy, sugary sweetness comes to mind when one thinks of any quality Haze, and with the flavor and fragrance of CBD Haze Feminized, it’s much of the same, though with an added citric kick.


Don’t expect that tropical tang to be overly prominent, mind you, but it’s there for both the nose and tongue to revel in, delivering a delightful olfactory satisfaction to these buds and leaving a tantalizing tingle on the tongue’s aftertaste.




The quintessential and somewhat overbearing (at times) haziness of the original Haze has had the volume turned down in CBD Haze, but that doesn’t mean this marijuana is one to underestimate.


With a slightly lower THC level to the original, balanced out by an equal 10% CBD content, the effects of this hybrid are more akin to walking a tightrope with the safety net not far below and clouds cuddling you with comfort while this lucid ride sweeps you away.


There’s still enough excitement here for recreational tokers, but don’t go expecting this to be a stereotypical stoner mong-out strain. CBD Haze Feminized is an example of a daytime strain bred to perfection - energizing like a coffee but without the caffeine jitters.


Creative types can turn to this stuff for the inspiration they’ve been longing for, or even to help grease the wheels and get you back on track when that midday slump hits (a trait even non-artistic cannabis consumers can appreciate!).


The experience is still largely cerebral in nature, but there’s a definitive note of physical calmness that spreads through the body as the mind submits to this new stress-free mental landscape.


It’s important not to push things too far in either physical or mental directions with CBD Haze though - listen to your body and mind so you can properly gauge how energetic you’re feeling alongside the onset of any form of mind-race.


Generally speaking though, this is the kind of superbly balanced high that even those entirely new to the cannabis community can get on wonderfully with.



Medical Uses of CBD Haze Feminized

With equal THC and CBD levels hitting 10% averages, this 1:1 ratio hybrid was literally born for medical purposes, and though some still snub the idea of any kind of THC therapy, most experts agree it’s a balance between cannabinoids like this that makes for the perfect pot medicine.


You’ll find any kind of negativity hard to come by after consuming CBD Haze Feminized thanks to the powerful anti-depressant and anxiolytic properties in these buds. Whether a general and pervasive malaise has you down or stress is eating at your sanity, if you’re feeling especially anxious or suffering from clinical depression, a careful dose of this marijuana can make the world of difference.


CBD Haze also has abundant uses for those suffering from physical aches and pains, and everything from a mild headache to severe or cluster migraines, arthritis, muscle spasms, multiple sclerosis or fibromyalgia can be effectively treated with this weed.


The energizing influence this stuff provides is, as you’d expect, a fantastic counter to the symptoms of fatigue, and it’s entirely possible that anyone with nausea will feel their queasiness replaced by a compelling hunger.


As something of a domino effect, this CBD hybrid can also prove an effective remedy for insomnia if consumed early on in the day, as patients often find their newfound energy increases tiredness later on and helps encourage a late-stage sedative influence from the high.


For those cautious of the psychoactive properties of weed, rest easy - the considerable CBD content in CBD Haze Feminized helps reduce any risk of less desirable side effects to practically zero.



Growing CBD Haze Feminized Seeds

Successfully cultivating CBD Haze Feminized is not the simplest of tasks, making this hybrid a strain best attempted by those of you with at least some growing experience under your belt.


Nonetheless, we’ve got you covered with all you need to know when handling these beauties.


In true Sativa style, CBD Haze plants reach some enormous tree-like heights, easily hitting anywhere around 1.5 meters tall or higher if treated to optimal conditions. Being born in California, this hybrid absolutely prefers a balmy climate - if you’re lucky enough to live in such a Mediterranean-like climate, plant these beans outdoors and watch them thrive.


For the less locationally blessed, set up a solid indoor grow room with ample vertical room and you’re good to go - just be sure you imitate those desirable climes with a temperature between 21 and 26°C (or 69.8 to 78.8°F), and relative humidity (RH) levels between 40 and 50% in the flowering stage.


Controlling the height of CBD Haze Feminized while encouraging the maximum yield is essential to success with this hybrid, so set up a Sea of Green (SoG) grow if you’re able and be ready for some pruning, topping and fimming - knowing your plant training techniques is key here.


It’s worth noting as well that when these babies bloom, you’re in for a seriously dense display of nugs and that can afford your plants some challenge when it comes to holding their own weight. Show your crop some love with trellises or stakes for added branch support and increase your chances of a terrific harvest.


In true Haze style, these plants are nicely resilient to common plant-related problems like mold or mildew, and you shouldn’t have to worry about low light penetration or airflow contributing to moisture build-up thanks to those sexy slender leaves and modest branches.


After roughly 10 to 12 weeks of flowering, your crop of CBD Haze Feminized is ready to reap and deliver the indoor grower between 450 and 550 grams per meter squared, while outdoor harvests can hit the region of 400 to 500 grams of crystal-coated nugs per plant.




One of the cannabis kingdom’s iconic champions gets a CBD makeover, and the results are truly spectacular.


CBD Haze Feminized might not pack the quintessential Sativa-charged Haze high you’re used to, but this milder Cannabidiol-balanced experience is not one any serious toker should scoff away.


Cultivating these beauties isn’t the easiest endeavor though, so be sure you’re clued in and ready for the challenges ahead before you attempt a crop of this CBD-heavy marijuana legend. 

Strain Profile

SeedbankSeed Supreme
Flowering TypePhotoperiod
THC ContentLow (5-10%)
CBD ContentHigh (5-10%)
FlavorsEarthy, Spicy, Sweet
TerpenesCaryophyllene, Limonene, Myrcene
Flowering Time10-12 Weeks
Plant HeightTall

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